Relativism's Destruction of Society

Every year that I read through the Bible, I am repulsed by the events recorded in the last five chapters of Judges. Each one seems to be worse than the one before, leading to a climax that is almost unbelievable. Priests for hire, priests with concubines, sexually immorality, idolatry, and such abominations abound, and they are treated as normal. How did the people of God ever get to that point. The answer is tied up in one verse, and it always stands out to me. Since there was no king, everyone did whatever seemed right to them. (Judges 17:6) Does it sound like what is happening today? I think it does.

This verse clearly defines relativism. When there is no absolute authority, like a king, the people begin to do whatever seems right to them. When it devolves to this point, people do  not even acknowledge that there is right and wrong. There are only personal preferences, and every person's preference is what is seen to be right for them, even if it is the opposite of what others believe to be true. There is not even much appeal to objective evidence for right and wrong; it all boils down to opinion or personal philosophy. This is what is happening in the United States today. Anything goes, and it will get worse and worse, just like the accounts in Judges, unless we have a revival of returning to the Lord, as our King Eternal. He is our absolute authority, but we have the choice of whether to follow Him or not. I pray for that revival every day,and I hope you will join me in that prayer.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 20-21 and Ruth 1.

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