My Peace I Give To You
Jesus gave a special gift to His disciples just before He was arrested, tried, condemned, and nailed to the cross. He gave them His peace.(John 14:27) He knew they would need it, because of the trouble that was about to begin. He wanted them to be able to keep their hearts from being troubled and afraid. Jesus knew that His peace was the only thing that could bless them in that way. Because of His great love for them that was His earnest desire. He still loves His own today, and this same peace is His gift to us, too.
The peace of Jesus is not the same as the peace of this world. The peace of this world is the absence of conflict. It is not a substantive thing we receive. It is only the absence of what causes us to lose peace. There is no comparison between the world's peace and His peace. When Christ gives us His peace, we have peace through the storms of life and through the pain. His peace keeps our hearts from being troubled by circumstances and afraid of what people can do to us. However, like any gift, we must take it and use it. We must depend on His peace to get us through, instead of leaning on our own strength and wisdom. If we don't use His peace we will be as troubled and afraid as those who do not know Christ. It is a matter of trusting the Lord for everything in prayer. (Philippians 4:6,7) Then, His peace will take over our heart and mind to guard them from being troubled and afraid.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 15-17.
The peace of Jesus is not the same as the peace of this world. The peace of this world is the absence of conflict. It is not a substantive thing we receive. It is only the absence of what causes us to lose peace. There is no comparison between the world's peace and His peace. When Christ gives us His peace, we have peace through the storms of life and through the pain. His peace keeps our hearts from being troubled by circumstances and afraid of what people can do to us. However, like any gift, we must take it and use it. We must depend on His peace to get us through, instead of leaning on our own strength and wisdom. If we don't use His peace we will be as troubled and afraid as those who do not know Christ. It is a matter of trusting the Lord for everything in prayer. (Philippians 4:6,7) Then, His peace will take over our heart and mind to guard them from being troubled and afraid.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 15-17.