The Lord Has Sent His Angel

All around us is a spiritual realm filled with angels and demons, which we cannot see with our eyes, unless the Lord grants us that ability. Peter had such an encounter with an angel when he was imprisoned by Herod, after the death of James, John's brother. (Acts 12:11) It was even difficult for Peter to believe that he had been delivered by an angel sent from God, but when he came to himself, he realized what God had done. We need to see what God can do for us, too.

Often, we forget about God's angels and all of Satan's demons which are in this world. We concentrate on the physical world instead of seeing what is going on in the heavenly realm around us. This leads us to doubt God, when we seem to be in an impossible situation like the one in which Peter found himself. We should never doubt the power of God and His resources to deliver us from anything that might beset us. God has legions of angels waiting to come to our aid. Also, they are there to thwart the attacks and schemes of Satan to ruin our lives or bring is harm. What we must do is to trust God in those impossible situations, and watch to see that He does. He may just send an angel to deliver us, especially if Christians are praying for us, as they were for Peter.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 13-15.

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