February 28, 2006 - Numbers 17-20 and Mark 6:30-7:13

I believe this passage in Numbers contains some principles for those people who are called by God into full time service. Did you pick out any of them when you read this passage? I hope they are helpful to you like they are to me.

Chapter 17 shows that God verifies His call on a person's life. He shows others that He has selected a person for His service. It is not usually by a rod budding, but God has a way of giving His stamp of approval through spiritual gifts and abilities that make God's call apparent. Then, chapter 18 shows us that God provides for those He calls. In fact, He provides very well for His servants. God uses other people, and He gives supernatural blessings to take care of His servants and their families. Chapter 19 shows that God desires for His servants to be clean and pure before Him spiritually as they serve. It is not enough to do God's service. It is the heart of the one who serves that is important, too. Finally, chapter 20 tells us that God is just as strict with His servants as He is with others, when it comes to disobedience. He does not cut them slack. In fact, He might even be more strict with His servants. They are to be examples of faithfulness, so their disobedience is especially destructive in God's kingdom.

In Mark we see some very important principles, too. Jesus knows that we need physical rest in order to be effective in our service to Him. There are times we need to get away from the crowds for a retreat. However, He wants us to trust Him for the ability to feed people and to meet their needs. He told the disciples to feed the multitude, even though that seemed impossible. He will always give us the ability to do what He tells us to do. Then, Jesus showed His disdain for man's rules and His total support for God's Word. Unfortunately, people often get caught up in traditions, and they forget God's Word. That is a very dangerous way to live. It takes us away from God, instead of taking us closer to Him.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 21-24 and Mark 7:14-37.

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