December 15 - I Peter 1-5

It seems to me that this letter of I Peter is remarkable because it presents Peter's case for keeping life in the proper perspective. It is so easy to become disoriented to God's will and God's way of doing His will. When we do that, we lose the proper perspective on life, and anything is possible, then. As you read this short letter, think about how God wants you to consider everything from His perspective, so you can stay right in the center of His will.

In chapter 1 Peter call on us as believers to remember our eternal salvation as we live each day. We have a living hope, an incorruptible inheritance, and a genuine faith in Christ. Therefore, we can go through trials and keep our eyes on being holy. (1:15,16) We have God's eternal Word to guide us, too. If we keep these things in focus throughout the day, we will not become disoriented to God.

In chapter 2 Peter reminds us that first and foremost we are members of God's family, the church. We are living stones that are joined together to form God's building. There must be a love for each other as believers and a unity for us to live the Christian life in trials. However, just because we are part of God's church does not mean we are not citizens of an earthly country, too. We should obey the government ordained by God. What do you think about I Peter 2:17 as a summary of living in proper perspective? I think it is a wonderful guide for all of us.

Then Peter has a long section on submission. We are all to live submissively like Jesus did. Pride will bring us down. An independent spirit will lead us from God's will. We must come to grips with submission to our employers, our spouses, and mostly to Jesus, who is our model of submission, as He submitted to the Father. I pray that you do not have a problem with selfishness and unsubmissiveness. If you do, you need to deal with it in a radical way, because it is sin.

The other theme at the end of the letter is loving the other believers through the times of suffering and the good times. (4:8) We are all in this together. Let others help you have the proper perspective on life. Don't think you have it all figured out on your own. Let your pastor help you. He is your spiritual shepherd. (5:2) Resist Satan's attacks and cast all of your cares on Jesus. Then, Satan will not get you off track, and your cares will not burden you to the point that you can't follow the Lord well. All of these things are God's ways for us to live life with the proper perspective. Take a moment today to think about the people with whom you speak. Do you discern their perspective on life? Is it the proper perspective? Is there something you can say to help them? If so, say it. It is miserable for anyone to live outside of God's will.

Tomorrow, I intend to read II Peter 1-3.

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